Episode #4 - Deahna Visscher & Beth Lyman join us to discuss NG Tube Safety and Changing Practice across the USA

For episode 4 of the NGPodcast, we speak to our dear friend Deahna Visscher, who's son Grant died at just 11 days old after being fed through a misplaced NG Tube, about what happened that day and what she has done since then to try and prevent other families suffering the same tragedy.
Since his death in 2008 she has been on a quest to find a solution to prevent others from experiencing the loss that she was due to a misplaced feeding tube. She has become a parent partner on the Patient Safety Committee at the hospital where Grant died and has also become a member of the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) sub-committee NOVEL (seeking New Opportunities for Verification of Enteral tube Location).
What is the impact of nasogastric tube misplacement on a family?
About Deahna
For episode 4 of the NGPodcast, we speak to our dear friend Deahna Visscher, who's son Grant died at just 11 days old after being fed through a misplaced NG Tube, about what happened that day and what she has done since then to try and prevent other families suffering the same tragedy.
Since his death in 2008 she has been on a quest to find a solution to prevent others from experiencing the loss that she was due to a misplaced feeding tube. She has become a parent partner on the Patient Safety Committee at the hospital where Grant died and has also become a member of the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) sub-committee NOVEL (seeking New Opportunities for Verification of Enteral tube Location).
About Beth
We are also joined by Beth Lyman (MSN, RN, CNSC) who is a nurse consultant who formerly worked at Children's Mercy Kansas City. She has been a Nutrition Support Nurse for 36 years with 26 of those years at a children's hospital. Beth chairs the NOVEL Project (New Opportunities for Verification of Enteral tube location) which is an inter-organization, inter-disciplinary and international effort to promote best practice for NG tube placement verification (which Deahna is also a key member of).
About NOVEL (seeking New Opportunities for Verification of Enteral tube Location)
Since its inception in 2012, the NOVEL project members have completed and published 3 research studies, published 4 best practice papers, and have given over 20 lectures at regional and national nursing meetings on the topic of NG tube placement and misplacement.
On this week's episode, we discuss how they got involved in the NOVEL Project, their Patient Safety Movement Foundation activities, the influence the UK has had on US NG tube safety, and how you change practice in a vast country with 52 States and a population of 331 million people.
- 03:20 Deahna talks about what happened to the Visscher family due to NG tube misplacement
- 15:28 How have you taken what happened to Grant, and used it to try and reduce the risk for other families with children that are being NG tube fed?
- 22:00 Beth Lyman discusses the big differences between the UK and US with regards to nasogastric tube placement verification
- 25:34 Can you tell us about the research that NOVEL has done and what that told you about the risk of NG feeding in the United States
- 28:45 What was the comparison with testing nasogastric tube position out in the community?
- 30:45 Has the UK's work around NG tube safety influenced practice in the UK at all?
- 32:58 How do you think having the patient/family/carer voice in has influenced the debate and help change in practice be progressed?
- 38:16 the US has a population of 331 million and 52 states, how do you even start changing practice on the scale you have to deal with, and what have you learned that might be useful for others that want to change practice in an area like patient safety?
Deahna and Rich Visscher discussing what happened on that day and what they are doing to change practice to prevent that tragedy from occurring to other parents. Made in conjunction with the PSMF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBXw-...
Patient Safety Movement Foundation - Spotlight on Deahna Visscher, Mother of Grant Lars Visscher: https://patientsafetymovement.org/blo...
If you would like to get in touch with either of our guests with relation to NG tube verification or patient safety, please send your requests over to us at info@ngpodglobal.com and we will pass your message over if suitable.
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NGPod: Stop "Never Events", improve patient recovery and reduce costs
The NGPod handheld devices overcomes many of the risks associated with existing Nasogastric placement confirmation methods.
- No aspiration required
- No interpretation required. Get a clear "Yes/No" answer
- Rapid result [c.15 seconds]
- Reduce delays to patients treatment, hydration and nutrition
- More cost-effective than testing with pH strips