Episode #3 - Dietitians Josh Beattie & Phill Johnston join us from University North Midlands NHS Trust

Josh Beattie and Phill Johnston are both Dietitians at the University Hospital North Midlands NHS Trust. Back in March for Nutrition and Hydration Awareness Week, these guys both took on a challenge to experience exactly what it feels like to have a nasogastric (NG) tube inserted AND to live with it for an entire week nil by mouth. Things didn’t go to plan for one of them though...
More Information
Covered this week:
- #NutritionandHydrationweek nasogastric tube challenge
- Josh's struggles with the NG tube challenge
- Phill's published article in the British Dietetic Association (BDA) on his NG Tube experience
- 01:05 We spotted something on Twitter with regards to the low number of male dieticians, what can be done to attract more men to the profession?
- 02:42 #Nutrition&HydrationWeek2020 Josh discusses his challenges (and struggles) with the NG Tube challenge and the experiential learning benefit
- 04:02 What inspired you guys to take on the NG tube challenge?
- 06:15 Josh when you started the challenge, what did the insertion of the NG feel like and how did it go?
- 10:16 Phill you witnessed Josh’s issues with the NG tube challenge why did you decide to step in?
- 11:15 Compared to Josh’s insertion, what was yours like?
- 14:10 Phill discusses his article published in the BDA - A Dietetic perspective of Nasogastric Feeding https://www.bda.uk.com/resource/a-die...
- 15:42 So having had the experience is there anything you think should be done or said to patients to prepare them for the initial insertion and the first 24 hours?
- 17:38 How did it feel having to check your own aspirate before you could feed?
- 19:29 What would your advice be to patients preparing for an NG now you’ve experienced it yourselves?
- 23:06 You had the advantage as a dietician that you could adjust your regime as you went through based on your experiences and your monitoring. So what sort of adjustments did you make during the week?
- 29:49 So having taken this challenge and both of you took it, has that inspired anyone else in the Trust to maybe find something similar and have a go?
Social Links
- Phill Johnston Twitter - @PhillJohnstonRD
- UHNM Dietitian’s Twitter: @DietitiansUHNM1
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NGPod: Stop "Never Events", improve patient recovery and reduce costs
The NGPod handheld devices overcomes many of the risks associated with existing Nasogastric placement confirmation methods.
- No aspiration required
- No interpretation required. Get a clear "Yes/No" answer
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- Reduce delays to patients treatment, hydration and nutrition
- More cost-effective than testing with pH strips