Episode #13 - Caitlin Clark - Insights from caring for someone who has had a gastrostomy placement

It's been a hectic time at NGPOD, so fitting in the recording of an NGPODCast has been challenging. Still, we finally managed to synchronise diaries with a much-anticipated guest, resulting in a great episode.
The placement of a gastrostomy is often seen as a minor procedure; however, it can significantly impact someone's physical and emotional well-being as it often marks an important point in the treatment journey of people with long-term or chronic conditions.
Marcus Ineson, NGPOD Chief Marketing Officer and NGPODCast host, spoke to Caitlin Clark, a Registered Dietitian who supports the care of her Dad, about their experiences before, during and following a RIG (Radiologically Inserted Gastrostomy) placement. Caitlin shares her insights from the treatment journey and how this has changed how she approaches the care of patients undergoing similar procedures.
As in other jurisdictions, clinicians in the UK often only see parts of a patient journey. Hence, the insights from a healthcare professional who has experienced the entire care pathway are beneficial to improving care and understanding how small changes can make a BIG impact on the patient and carer experience.
Thank you to Caitlin and her Dad for sharing their journey to date with us.
For the audio only version of the NGPodcast, listen here
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NGPod: Stop "Never Events", improve patient recovery and reduce costs
The NGPod handheld devices overcomes many of the risks associated with existing Nasogastric placement confirmation methods.
- No aspiration required
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- Reduce delays to patients treatment, hydration and nutrition
- More cost-effective than testing with pH strips