







Every incident involving a misplaced Nasogastric Tube is a Human Tragedy

Every incident involving a misplaced Nasogastric Tube is a Human Tragedy

Deaths and injuries caused by misplaced nasogastric tubes are serious clinical incidents or "Never Events" in the UK, a specific category of severe patient safety incidents that NHS Improvement considers never occur.



Despite many years of guidance and significant effort to prevent them in the UK, the number of nasogastric tube safety incidents continues to increase. (see Fig 1)

Referring to the number of incidents sometimes distracts from the human impact of each of these events, which cause significant harm or death to the people injured using a misplaced nasogastric tube. Behind every statistic is a human tragedy that, in most circumstances, was avoidable.

At Medica this year, Marcus Ineson, NGPOD Chief Marketing Officer, had a chance conversation with another exhibitor that once again brought home the importance of the work we do at NGPOD to prevent these avoidable events.



NGPod: Stop "Never Events", improve patient recovery and reduce costs

The NGPod handheld devices overcomes many of the risks associated with existing Nasogastric placement confirmation methods.

  • No aspiration required
  • No interpretation required. Get a clear "Yes/No" answer
  • Rapid result [c.15 seconds]
  • Reduce delays to patients treatment, hydration and nutrition
  • More cost-effective than testing with pH strips
Learn more