







Reflections on a huge success for NGPOD at BSG LIVE '22

Reflections on a huge success for NGPOD at BSGLIVE'22

NGPOD attended The British Society of Gastroenterology meeting two weeks ago in Birmingham. It was the first in-person conference we have been to since the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, put everything on hold.


NGPod at BSG Live 2022NGPod at BSG Live 2022

We would always have considered attending BSG a bit of a gamble; pre-pandemic, we focussed on nutrition-based conferences like BAPEN and NNNG or ESPEN. For an SME, every conference is a massive proportion of the marketing budget, even for a small stand. Add to this the uncertainty of whether enough delegates of the right mix would come, and it felt like we might have been sticking our necks out.

I'm pleased to say that for NGPOD, the event was a huge success. There was an excellent attendance, and we were busy on the stand throughout all three exhibition days. We spoke to clinicians from the UK and internationally, some of whom were from Hospitals we haven't been able to engage with until now. The delegates' interest has continued, and we are already discussing how to move NGPOD forward in their organisations.

It was fantastic to be back at a face-to-face event the size of BSGLive22 and to see the attendees' expressions when we explained NGPOD. Its been hard launching a new game-changing product during a pandemic, but the response of the delegates at BSG reminded us of how important it is that we get NGPOD adopted in the UK and internationally.

Huge thanks to everyone who visited us, BSG the ICC, which is a fantastic venue and especially to TFI Lodestar, who made the event run so smoothly it was a pleasure to exhibit.
A special shout out to two of the TFI Lodestar team; Siga Gudeliauskaite, who was brilliant in the run-up to the event, and Verity Napier, who looked after the exhibitors at the event. Verity really can fix anything!

Bring on NNNG and BAPEN conferences; we can't wait!

To get in touch to learn more about NGPod, Contact Us



NGPod: Stop "Never Events", improve patient recovery and reduce costs

The NGPod handheld devices overcomes many of the risks associated with existing Nasogastric placement confirmation methods.

  • No aspiration required
  • No interpretation required. Get a clear "Yes/No" answer
  • Rapid result [c.15 seconds]
  • Reduce delays to patients treatment, hydration and nutrition
  • More cost-effective than testing with pH strips
Learn more