An Introduction to ‘Never Events’ in the UK Healthcare System

Welcome to the first video in a series of online learning content that we are currently developing for customers who are using and implementing the NGPOD.

Short Online Course
Over the next month we will be releasing a short, online education series introducing patient safety issues in the NHS, otherwise known as ‘Never Events’.
Have you ever wondered what a never event is? What sort of events occur, or how healthcare providers act to improve patient care?
We will be releasing weekly e-shots to all our subscribers so never miss an upload! Here's the first one to get you started. See more in our Training Resources section.
Series 1: An Introduction to 'Never Events'
Recent Articles about Patient Safety
April 20, 2021
NGPod® features in this month's NNNG NewsletterJuly 30, 2020
Never Event e-Learning SeriesWHAT IS NGPOD?
NGPod: Stop "Never Events", improve patient recovery and reduce costs
The NGPod handheld devices overcomes many of the risks associated with existing Nasogastric placement confirmation methods.
- No aspiration required
- No interpretation required. Get a clear "Yes/No" answer
- Rapid result [c.15 seconds]
- Reduce delays to patients treatment, hydration and nutrition
- More cost-effective than testing with pH strips