Every delay in obtaining aspirate for a pH test forces a referral for an X-ray, leading to critical delays in nutrition, increased complications, and higher hospital costs.

Our solution ensures rapid, reliable verification eliminating unnecessary X-rays and ensuring patients receive the vital nutrition they need, exactly when they need it.

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Misplaced NGT
In the UK and US, between
2-4% of all tubes are misplaced
Xray misinterpretation
45% Never Events
from X-ray misinterpretation
Misplaced NGT is a global problem
In the US, nearly 500,000 tubes (NG and PEG) are misplaced every year

Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch

The NHS England, Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch report into nasogastric tube placement (Dec 2020) states;

"...both pH testing and use of X-ray are prone to error..."

"...using pH testing strips is potentially unreliable and its complexity underestimated..."

Concerning Serious Incidents involving nasogastic tube misplacement:

"...causes included misinterpretation of pH testing of gastric aspirate, use of outdated checking methods..."

"...incorrect X-ray confirmation and interpretation is the most common cause of NG tube incidents."


The NGPOD®: A new pH test to determine nasogastric feeding tube placement

The NGPod handheld devices overcomes many of the risks associated with existing Nasogastric placement confirmation methods.

No aspirate required

No interpretation. Get a clear "Yes/No" answer.

Rapid result [c.20 seconds]

Reduce delays to patients treatment, hydration and nutrition

More cost-effective than using aspirate & pH strips first line

Get in touch


"The work we are doing with NGPod Global will revolutionise the way we look after patients with nasogastric tubes and this is really exciting. It will provide a quick and reliable response on whether it is safe for the patient to feed or not and that will be much better for the patient and will keep them in better health as well."

Logo for NHS Lancashire Teaching Hospital

Tracy Earley

Consultant Nutrition Nurse,
Royal Preston Hospital, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust